Statistics for guild [JOYB] Jarry or your Bubbles on Ares 17

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Member Statistics (05 August 2024) Share this page

Only members who rank in the top 1000 overall for a category are listed. Other members may not be shown or will have statistics missing.

Player Level Economy Fleet Technology Experience
1 Jarry( no credits ) 38.87 7,887 876,020 618,673 122,662
2 Saka(many credits) 38.47 6,900 1,020,145 479,799 59,878
3 SIENTIST 38.37 4,743 6,445 1,686,459 43,063
4 Staar 37.14 7,324 637,565 532,634 57,162
5 Pan (social credits) 36.76 4,735 830,270 522,281 99,595
6 glen 33.85 5,705 10 742,448 268,439
7 Floydvoid 31.13 6,745 99,085 164,923 236,279
8 11 31.08 4,261 326,410 180,430 201,172
9 Tom Cruise 30.09 3,783 247,630 193,356 114,853
10 iced tea 29.82 2,747 206,960 309,049 72,608
11 FffTD 25.18 1,109 12,635 278,598 57,899
12 MK2 Escort 23.53 2,236 61,235 21,524 0
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